The critiques are unedited, we have included all the good and the bad bits! :)
The critiques included are from the opinions of breed specialists that have judged the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of New Zealands Championship Shows. The dogs have either been bred by us at Imagin Kennels.
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
13 month old, very happy girl, good size & very feminine, lovely head and expression with middle brown eyes, slightly smooth in the head but with good proportion muzzle-skull, good set of the ears, the muzzle and underjaw well developed, neck is quite long and elegant but she needs to take more weight and muscles. Withers is well prominent but shoulder looks a bit straight but with good flexible pastern and nice feet. The chest & breast should develop with age while topline is correct. Very straight, just slightly long at loins. Rears are correct in angulation but the feet are turned out at the moment. In the movement the rear feet tend to single cross as well as the front where the elbows are a bit open because the relative lack of breast, on the side movement is very sound and with long step and excellent drive. Coat is not in best condition, but the markings are correct and the basis of the coat is correct.
SIRE: NZ CH Harley Van De Klaverhoeve
DAM: CH Imagin Glass Half Full
Proudly owned by Bruce Pownall
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
Strong, masculine good size, strong important head with very good sex imprint, just like to see more of underjaw. Good relationship of muzzle-skull, nice expression but the eyes should be a bit darker. Excellent teeth with good bite, excellent ears, well set, very strong neck, very wide and strong withers, well muscled shoulder, like to see more bone on such a strong dog. Excellent well rounded chest, slightly long at loins but with a straight topline, good croup and angulation. Both front and rear feet slightly east and west. In movement hocks looks to be a bit weak, while the front is correct, on the side step is slightly short, should be more fluent with more push, good markings, coat is a bit short at the moment.
SIRE: NZ CH Harley Van De Klavehoeve (Imp Belgium)
DAM: CH Imagin Over the Limit
Proudly owned by K Francis
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
Lovely bitch, with lovely head and expression, with good relationship muzzle-skull. Excellent ears ; well set and worn, Eyes middle brown & lovely, I would like to see more of underjaw but she is elegant bitch with a nice neck, wide withers, good shoulders, just slightly short in arm. Standing well on the 4 limbs she has good topline even with bit too long loin, but she is well angulated at the rear, well rounded at ribs. In the movement hocks a bit in a V design, front is mainly correct, good step on the side with good drive. Nice coat and colour.
SIRE: NZ CH Harley Van De Klaverhoeve (Imp Belgium)
DAM: Imagin Straight No Lemon
Proudly owned by K Francis
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
13 months old, nice expression, slightly light colour of the eyes, excellent skull, slightly triangular muzzle but with good relationship to the skull, good pigment of the outside lips, gums are pink but acceptable, good earset, standing well at attention, strong but elegant neck with good withers, shoulder is a bit straight, slightly underangulated, front bone sufficient, good chest, breast should develop a bit more with age, good topline, loins a bit long but still strong, long and wide croup, rears should be better angulated especially at stifle. In the movement hocks are well parallel, front has a bit waving, shoulder should be more solid probably because of relative lack of shoulder angulation, the step during movement on the side is long and especially the push is correct and with the right strength, lovely coat for the age with nice markings.
SIRE: NZ CH Harley Van De Klaverhoeve
DAM: CH Imagin Glass Half Full
Proudly owned by M Kirkaldy
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
Good size, 3 years old, quite masculine but would like to see on a 3 years old dog a bit more of sex imprint and power but still beautiful expression. Muzzle should be slightly larger and eyes are a bit narrow but are of very good colour, iris is nice dark brown. Pigment is enough, even with pink gums but lips are dark. Just slightly cheeky. Neck is strong of a good length, withers is wide, breast is slightly narrow at the bottom but the chest is well ribbed and round. Shoulder is well angulated on this dog and the pasterns are long enough and well flexible with round cat feet. Topline is mostly correct, with a bit flat croup but still correct. Rears are ok at hocks, but I would like to see more angulation at stifle. In the movement, hocks are well parallel and solid, and the front is correct and on the side, he moves in a sound way. The step is long enough, but could cover more ground. The coat is lovely.
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Mr Scott Sandford (South Australia)
SHOW: 4th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 3rd October 2009
17 ½ months old dog of good size with correct proportions and very good breed type, head is typical for a dog of that age along with balanced markings with almond shaped eyes which are dark in color. His under jaw is strong. He has a well angulated forequarter with a moderate length of neck which flows nicely into his top line and slightly sloping croup with a good tail set. He is well ribbed back, strong through the loin and has a well angulated hindquarter with a well let down hock. He has strong bone with tight round feet. Hindquarters are strong and clean behind with good width. Clean coming towards and stands full square. Moved around the ring with good reach and drive. Pushed hard for Res CC.
SIRE: Rojan Von Der Holderstockhohe
DAM: Dakota Van De Klaverhoeve
Proudly owned by Imagin Kennels
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
13 months, lovely sound bitch of good size, very feminine overall. The 3rd eyelid is not dark and pigmented in any way and eye is slightly reddish, does not give her the best expression at this moment. The iris is light brown colour and the relationship muzzle to skull is very correct with good stop. Muzzle could be less flat at the stop, and stronger underjaw would give her more consistency at the head. Neck is elegant and is well sorted out, shoulder is slightly straight while the pasterns are of good length and very flexible, the chest & breast are correct, slightly long in body, especially at loins but topline is well straight, rears are sufficiently angulated. In the movement the hocks are well parallel, a bit wavey and not stable enough at the shoulder, elbows are a bit waving as well, she has a lovely push at the rears with very nice drive and long, elastic movement on the side, lovely coat and colour.
SIRE: NZ CH Harley Van De Klaverhoeve (Imp Belgium)
DAM: CH Imagin Glass Half Full
Proudly owned by Imagin Kennels
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
Middle sized lovely bitch, feminine. Expression would be better with darker, or well pigmented 3rd eyelid which are in this case evident and a bit reddish. Temperament is not helping her very much, being a bit shy – maybe not shy but a bit timid. Probably a bit anxious, but the head is mainly correct in the proportion of muzzle-skull. I would like to see a bit more underjaw . The colour of the iris is well dark, slightly flat on the top of the skull, the neck is strong but a bit short, the wither is well prominent and wide, the shoulder could be a bit more angulated, as well the front bone should be a bit stronger. The chest is excellent, well ribbed and well developed and the topline is very well straight and strong, Excellent rears, unfortunately the tail is taken between the legs all the time. In the movement the hocks are not stable enough, while the front is quite ok but elbows are a bit unstable as well. Lovely walk on the side but while the step is long, she tends to step a bit like a horse.
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Mr Scott Sandford (South Australia)
SHOW: 4th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 3rd October 2009
3½ mths old finer bitch with excellent body proportions. She is well angulated in the forequarter and hindquarter and extremely well marked. She moves very cleanly coming and going and has an easy gate around the ring. Her right eye was very red on the day which did detract somewhat from her expression. I would like to see more bone and substance.
SIRE: CH Imagin Make Mine A Double
DAM: CH Imagin Over The Limit
Proudly owned by Imagin Kennels
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
Lovely feminine bitch, very well built, very harmonic in body with super angulation. The head is nice with dark eyes, good relationship muzzle-skull, just a bit flat the top of the skull. Excellent neck and withers, slightly straight in shoulder though, and I would like to see more flexible pastern. On the other hand the chest is very good with strong topline, loins and a very nice croup. Well angulated and round. Super angulated hocks and stifle. In the movement her hocks are slightly in a V shape but quite strong, the front is correct but you can see her pastern should be more flexible which means her front is a bit rigid, while the step on the side and the drive are really excellent as well the coat and colour.
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Mr Scott Sandford (South Australia)
SHOW: 4th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 3rd October 2009
2 year old longer cast bitch of good size. She has a feminine head with larger white markings than I would have preferred which did take away from her expression. She is well angulated in the front, has a good length of neck and well angulated in the hindquarter.
On the day she tended to lean back into herself on the stack which did nothing for her topline. She is a little light on bone, however she is very clean coming and going and moved around the ring steadily with very good reach and drive. Out of coat today.
SIRE: Imagin Yorkshire Pride
DAM: Imagin Just a Tad Tipsey
Proudly Owned by Imagin Kennels
CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
She is middle size, very feminine, just slightly low on the legs but very well built and constructed. She is lovely in the face having good expression and dark eyes, but the skull is slightly flat and I would to have a bit more dramatic skull, the relationship with muzzle is anyway, correct. Ears are well set just slightly backwards and the neck is strong as well the withers. Front legs are a bit short, especially at arm but the pastern and feet are very good and flexible. Excellent topline, beautiful chest and breast, coup is slightly short, the rears are just great - really lovely rears, very well angulated. In the movement hocks are good parallel, front is slightly waving at the shoulder but still acceptable. The walk on the side is really very good. Rears a bit short in the reach. Lovely coat and colour.
SIRE: Imagin Yorkshire Pride
DAM: Imagin Just A Tad Tipsey
Proudly owned by Imagin Kennels.

CRITIQUE DONE BY: Mr Scott Sandford (South Australia)
SHOW: 4th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 3rd October 2009
3½ mths old bitch with good body proportions. Her eyes were slightly haw at the moment which was detracting from her expression. She has a slight roach in her topline which could be related to her age. She has moderate bone with a well angulated forequarter and hindquarter. She moves clean going away with good breadth, however this was marred by her tan markings that was extended to the back of her hocks. She is clean coming and stands full square.
She was presented very well on the day.
Proudly owned by the Patchell Family.

CRITIQUE DONE BY: Guido Persino (Italy)
SHOW: 5th Bernese Mountain Dog Club Championship Show
DATE: 8th October 2011
Four (4) years old. Very strong masculine head with lovely expression. Dark brown eyes. Excellent teeth. Very masculine. I would like to see more underjaw, on this strong head. Proportion muzzle-skull correct. Very strong but a little short neck. Excellent strong and wide withers. Good shoulder. Excellent chest and breast. Very good topline. Bone is good for his size. Very large forebreast. Enough angulated behind. In the movement rear should be a bit more solid, while the front is correct. From the side step, is long with good power. Drive is very nice, as well as the length of the step. Tail is slightly happy. Coat is not in best condition, but with excellent basis to the coat.